Monday, May 10, 2010

Tracking Yourself

Imagine yourself in the middle of a hectic work day juggling calls and paperwork for various clients. Trying to keep the details of each client file straight is an exercise in Type A training – at the very least. Now imagine that in addition to managing the entire client file content, you also have to document who you called, sent emails to, had meetings with and which file you spent time working on today. I am not sure about you, but I think my head would be spinning by the end of the day!

Anyone in a professional field requiring the tracking of billable hours is very likely familiar with this scenario and the resulting head spins. For those of you dealing with this scenario, I have a suggestion to end your head spinning days. There is a new software service available that digitally tracks all work related activities freeing the user from the task of remembering to log every telephone call, email, etc. How does this work? Let me explain… (visual aid shown below)

After a quick installation of the hosted software, the user can set the program features to link their PC, mobile phone, office phone, and email for information tracking. Every time one of the pre-assigned devices is used the system tracks the activity in a comprehensive communications log. When it is convenient for the user, they simply log into their account and assign the activities to the appropriate client files for billing purposes. The system intelligently integrates with most legal billing software providing a quick and efficient transfer of the assigned information for client billing purposes. Imagine the time you can save and the hours you can recoup for additional billing!

This is, of course, a simple snapshot of this product’s features. The full range of its capabilities allows the user to customize and easily manage their daily work allowing for increased productivity and fewer headaches.

For more information on this product, click here: WorkTRAKR

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