I know that summer has just entered full swing, but for the people in charge of company holiday cards the time for selection is fast approaching! With this in mind, it seems appropriate to share some thoughts regarding the selection of the Company Holiday Greeting. As with most annual/seasonal items, card selection can sometimes suffer from attention neglect as busy workers make their choice with a "that will do" approach to the process. Although this may provide an acceptable card for each year's mailing, with a little more consideration given to the process these cards could do so much more to promote your company!
Here are a few things to consider:
3. What is your intent? Are you sending holiday greeting cards as a simple gesture or are they tied more closely to your marketing efforts? If you are making a gesture, then a single card selection is probably your best bet. If, however, your holiday cards are also a method of extending your marketing initiatives, you may consider purchasing different card styles to pair with your different customer bases. Why? Repeat customers might appreciate a more personal message to convey your appreciation of their continued patronage. This same message sent to a customer who has only worked with you on a single occasion could be a little much - sort of like a marriage proposal on a second date! Electing to use a more general card message to cover all customer bases could leave your dedicated customers feeling a little unloved. Again, this goes back to knowing your customers and selecting the approach that best matches your intentions for the card and your company personality.
4. Make it personal! I keep reading articles lately about customers trending toward smaller businesses for a more personalized shopping experience. With this trend in mind, my suggestion is to get on board and maximize this trend. Customers who love the personal service they receive when doing business with you may get the wrong impression if you send them a general holiday card with no personalization and this could lead a decrease in their loyalty to your company. How do you overcome this hurdle without developing writer's cramp? There are a wide variety of cards that allow you to add customization of both your company name/logo, as well as a personalized message. These customization options are pre-printed on the card when you receive them which decreases your writer's cramp and still shows your customers that you cared enough to send more than just the standard greeting. There are also cards that allow you to pre-print your signature which can save you a lot of time. Before you make this selection, however, consider your customers! If your company motto revolves around personalized customer service, a pre-printed signature could be seen as a miss-match to your company identity.
Now that we have addressed some of the key points in what to consider during your selection process, let's touch on some things to avoid.
1. What is funny inside your office could be a tad offensive to your customers. Consider all angles when selecting your card style. If you send a company photo as part of your holiday greetings be sure to avoid simple missteps such as wearing a team jersey that is the key rival of your customer's home town. Though your team may appreciate the support, an overzealous sports fan on the receiving end may frown upon such a display. Likewise a silly photo of your boss napping at their desk may seem like a hoot to your office, but a customer receiving the card could misinterpret the message to mean that you don't take your business seriously which may send them looking for a company that they see as a better fit.
2. Keep it current! As the recycling trend continues to grow refrain from applying it to your company greeting cards. If you have left over cards from last year's mail out, don't send them to the same customers hoping they won't remember. The exception to this rule, of course, are those companies who choose to send the same card EVERY YEAR to build a sort of brand expectation. (We have a customer who has used this approach for several years and the one year they sent a different style card, their customers let them know that they preferred the old style and looked forward to it each year.)
3. Make it memorable! Safe selections should not automatically equal boring greeting cards. Resist the urge to select the least aesthetically pleasing card in the hope that it will also be the least likely to offend anyone. There are LOADS of lovely holiday cards available with an all-inclusive holiday greeting. Odds are that you can find the perfect fit to avoid sacrificing your company style.
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