Monday, March 29, 2010

Your Check Security

With the increasing level of sophistication forgers possess, it takes a very special paper to have criminals bypass your business checks. In fact, if you do not use checks that contain reasonable security features consistent with industry standards, you can be held liable for those checks. When ordering checks for your business or even personal use, be certain  that they meet or exceed the industry standard security features to protect yourself.

When it comes to check security, there are two main issues you must defend against. The first is theft prevention, and the second is check alteration. Both issues can cost you time and money to resolve, unless you take security measures.

The most common solutions to possible theft prevention are locking up your pre-printed check stock or printing your own checks. Most people who lock up their checks either secure them in a locked desk drawer or in the company safe. Wherever you secure them, make sure that it is an area that limits access. Therefore, should someone steal checks you can make sure the list of suspects is short.

The other option is to print your checks on blank check stock. This is an option that is not usually cost effective for customers as compared to pre-printed check stock. When considering this option, you need to purchase MICR ink (special ink for printing checks), a printer that can print with MICR ink, blank check stock, and software that will print checks. Blank check stock becomes cost effective when you have multiple checking accounts or high volume check printing. However, when it comes to check security printing your own checks is the best solution, so the cost of security is a value choice a consumer needs to make for their own situation.

Regarding check alteration, as mentioned above, you need to make sure that the check you use meet industry standards. Industry standards include coloration on the paper, micro-print signature line, proper printing of bank information like fractional routing numbers on the check and proper MICR code in the check code line. Additional security features include fluorescent fibers inside the paper, watermarks, chemical erasure protections, padlock icons, and specific patterning available with custom checks (like embedding your logo into the paper of the check and the vouchers themselves).

Of course, the first step in check security is to order your check stock from a trusted supplier well versed in the industry standards. Whether that is EGP Checks or another source, be sure that you inquire about the security features of your check stock before you buy.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Identity Crisis - Who Are We?

There is so much involved in starting a new business that big picture thinking sometimes falls off the radar in lieu of more pressing needs like finding customers and staying out of the dreaded red. As things come together, you finally get a chance to breathe deep and revisit the big picture ideas you started back at the beginning.
Having recently reached this stage, we currently are revisiting our company identity. While working through this process, it occurred to us that we may not be alone on this journey. Perhaps there are other entrepreneurs in the world experiencing a similar identity crisis? Sharing our experiences may start a dialogue to help those approaching this stage in the near future, and to help ourselves as well.

Don’t get me wrong - our company has an existing identity that has enabled us to succeed to our current state. What we discovered is that while managing the hectic day to day experiences involved in building a business, the original company identity had growth spurts. Some of these were based on the necessity of driving sales –adding products and/or services that the original business plan did not include. Other growth was driven by customer related experiences. After much research, reading and conversation we have uncovered our updated identity and are now preparing to make the appropriate adjustments to our business efforts ensuring that this “new” persona enjoys a successful debut.
So what have we learned that might be worth sharing?

Check your ego at the door before embarking on this journey - especially if you have business partners! Even though we work together each day with the same processes and products, our conversations reveal that we all take creative license with the company identity to create a version that matched our personal concepts. Since we are all invested in the success of the company, debates ensued about which concept was the right path for the future. When you check your ego, you are more open to the ideas of others and the company enjoys the long term benefits of collective efforts.
Do your homework! Before we could settle on which concept of the company was best suited for a successful future, we took a long look at the facts and asked ourselves some key questions. What brings customers to us? What keeps them coming back? What makes us different from competitors? Armed with the answers to these key questions, determining the right path for the company was a much simpler task.
Stay focused on the “new you” and resist the urge to fall back on the phrase, “but we have always done it this way…” Think of this process as a make-over. If you just finished buying a brand new wardrobe to update your personal style, would you pair your fabulous new outfit with your favorite shoes from the 1970’s? Even though those shoes worked for your image then, using them today could get you a ticket from the fashion police. Developing an updated company identity and then backing it up with outdated process and procedures only serves to undermine all of your efforts.
Most importantly, don’t let this journey take you too far from home. With so many resources available today, it is easy to get lost in the information. You may even find that your passion for your business gets cranked up a notch or two, and in your excitement ideas explode in a eureka moment. Treat these ideas like a fine wine – open them up and let them breath before you indulge. Don’t let the excitement for the future carry you away from the identity your customers currently enjoy. If the make-over is too extreme they may not recognize you any more!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Marketing SOS!

As I sat down with my morning cup of coffee to partake in my education ritual of web surfing, I stumbled across an interesting article. Being that I am in the midst of cranking up our company marketing efforts, the information included in this article caught my attention for a couple of reasons. First, they used the word "free"! As we all struggle to do more with less, I am always on the lookout for marketing opportunities that can drive business without blowing my budget. Second, the information is sorted into a variety of campaign styles allowing you to quickly scan for those that apply to your current needs. Time is a precious commodity these days and I always appreciate finding useful information that I can absorb and apply quickly.

I hope you find this article as useful as I have and have a happy Monday!!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Getting Started

We are so excited to get started on our blogging adventure!

Our intention for this site is to post useful information related to a variety of business topics, as well as invite others to share their thoughts and experiences - in the business world at large and with our company services.

Check back soon for updates...

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